Privacy Policy

1-All of LynxMob apps are free and LynxMob depends on ads as main monetization model, and we are using external networks to fill those ads, we don't have any responsibility on any ad shown on our apps, and you can report any inappropriate ad and we will try our best to stop it within 24 hours

2-LynxMob allow to download only any free license pdf book, otherwise user download the book on his own responsibility

3-LynxMob can remove any not licensed book within 24 from reporting to us LynxMob will have no tolerance with people who generating inappropriate content like in our chat apps

4-LynxMob not collecting any hidden data from your mobile LynxMob weather suppliers are paid and we have license to their forecasts

5-LynxMob subscriptions paid using apple or android payments gateways

6-LynxMob are not collecting your bank info

7-We don't own or pay any book

8-Iqraa app is just platform to exchange and share files with community,and users not allowed to share copyrighted files

9-For any contest we can end it if we discover any cheating in playing

10-For any contest always you have to be 17+ age

11-For any contest if we cant contact in 1 week you will lose your prize

12-For any contest if we cant deliver prize for you, then it will be your responsibility to collect it

13-For any contest we can extend the time if the number of users in leaderboard is less than 1K user


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عمان, الاردن

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يتيح لك تطبيق اقرأ تحميل كل ما تحب من القصص والروايات الالكترونيه باللغة العربيه وبسهولة وسلاسة، كما يمكنك مشاهدة الكتب المرفوعه من الاعضاء

مكتبة اقرأ الالكترونية