End user agreement

1-LynxMob allow you to download only any free license pdf book, otherwise user download the book on his own responsibility

2-LynxMob can remove any not licensed book within 24 from reporting to us

3-LynxMob will have no tolerance with people who generating inappropriate content like in our chat apps

4-We will not collect to sale your data

5-Payments done only using apple and google gateways

6-LynxMob are not collecting your bank info

7-We don't own or pay any book

8-Iqraa app is just platform to exchange and share files with community, and users not allowed to share copyrighted files


عمان، شارع مكة
عمان, الاردن

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يتيح لك تطبيق اقرأ تحميل كل ما تحب من القصص والروايات الالكترونيه باللغة العربيه وبسهولة وسلاسة، كما يمكنك مشاهدة الكتب المرفوعه من الاعضاء

مكتبة اقرأ الالكترونية